Alpine Defence Technologies
Alpine Defence Technologies provides Tactical Superiority for Military Customers
Alpine Defence Technologies delivers Digitization Solutions for Weapon systems and Equipment with existing, affordable Technologies
About Us
Alpine Defence Technologies provides Military and Law Enforcement Organizations and Industry customers products and services to modernize and digitize existing an new weapon systems and equipment in the field of
Management team
the Alpine Defence Technologies management team and employees combine high technical, technological and engineering skills and experience with long term industry knowledge and experience with military and industrial customers globally.

Our clients
Tactical Superiority
Products & Services

Alpine Defence Technologies is developing, manufacturing, and delivering products and services, retrofittable to existing and new weapon systems.
Consulting and Research Services from Highly Skilled Personnel provide Customers superior information’s about markets, military equipment and purchasing processes.

We use the our capabilities, skills and passion to provide customers the technological, procedural and tactical superiority
Alpine Defence Technologies employees combine high technical, technological and engineering skills and experience with long term industry knowledge and experience with military and industrial customers globally.
We provide the development and research capabilities to support and drive our customer efforts. Alpine Defence Technologies is developing, manufacturing, and delivering products and services, retrofittable to existing and new weapon systems.
We consult, support and analyse markets, procedures and capabilities for our customers to gain advantages on the battlefield. Consulting and Research Services from Highly Skilled Personnel provide Customers superior information’s about markets, military equipment and purchasing processes.
We provide training and support for our products to our customers. Digital training solutions, based on Alpine defence Technologies, help customers to make their soldiers combat ready
We provide products, services & support for our customers for the whole life-cycle of the weapon systems supported

Alpine Defence Technologies provides customers superior Technologies, Products and Services professionally, transparent and service minded.

Projekt 8,1cm Mörser 19 erfolgreich im scharfen Schuss getestet
Während der Truppenverifikation fand für alle am Projekt Beteiligten eine Vorführung der Leistungsfähigkeit des Systems auf dem Schiessplatz «Petit Hongrin» statt. Dabei wurde der Einsatz des Mörsersystems als Einzeltrupp sowie im Zugsverbund erfolgreich im scharfen Schuss demonstriert. Seine Leistungsfähigkeit ist beeindruckend.....

Danish Army sees urgent need for digital mortar systems
In an active battlefield, the factor of response time is vital. Digital systems have been taking the effort in calculation out of the hands of soldiers for some time, enabling split-second turnaround from decision-to-action and minimising the risk of error. However, the transition is not without its challenges. Defence IQ caught up with Major Michael Johnsson, Head of Guns & Mortar Branch at the Royal Danish Army.......

Digitalisierung landbasierter Operationen – Sachstand und Weiterentwicklung
Das Programm „Digitalisierung landbasierter Operationen“ (D-LBO) steht seit 2018 nicht nur im Heer für die zwingend notwendige Modernisierung der Führungsfähigkeit der Landstreitkräfte auf der mobilen Ebene. Durch die Zusammenlegung des Programms „Mobile Taktische Kommunikation“ (MoTaKo) und „Mobile Taktische Informationsverarbeitung Land“......

U.S. Army plans to digitize its Stryker brigade combat teams
U.S. Army has announced that it plans to increase its efforts in the digitization process of Stryker brigade combat teams. Following the successful integration of its new more flexible and expeditionary network capability into dismounted units, the Army is now focused on delivering the same capabilities to Stryker brigade combat teams, according to PEO C3T Public Affairs. To produce uniform equipment packages for .....

Deutschland dienen – unser Buch-Tipp in BESTZEIT PLUS
Bürger in Uniform – das ist das Leitbild der deutschen Armee. Zu diesem Leitbild gehören dann auch Engagement und Zivilcourage. Dazu kommt die Pflicht eines souveränen Staates als Mitglied eines Bündnisses, das diesen Staat schützen soll, Verpflichtungen zu übernehmen. Rund 60 Einsätze seit 1990. Weltweit. Zehntausende eingesetzte Soldaten. Hunderte Verletzte. Über 100 Todesfälle....

Digitalisierung landbasierter Operationen – Sachstand und Weiterentwicklung
Das Programm „Digitalisierung landbasierter Operationen“ (D-LBO) steht seit 2018 nicht nur im Heer für die zwingend notwendige Modernisierung der Führungsfähigkeit der Landstreitkräfte auf der mobilen Ebene. Durch die Zusammenlegung des Programms „Mobile Taktische Kommunikation“ (MoTaKo) und „Mobile Taktische Informationsverarbeitung Land“......
Get in touch
Alpine Defence Technologies GmbH
Schottengasse 4
1010 Vienna / Austria